Addiction Treatment in San Diego County
Residential Treatment
Addiction and Treatment in San Diego County
Drug and alcohol abuse can be devastating to not just you but your family and those around you. Drug abuse or alcoholism can disrupt your daily routine, interfere with your mental and emotional health, and leave you feeling like you have no way to solve the issue and overcome the addiction on your own.
Addiction doesn’t pick and choose; it can impact anyone.
- In San Diego County, 82% of males and 67% of females who were arrested for anything tested positive for illegal drugs.
- Research shows that 2.8 million people in the greater San Diego area struggle with addiction.
- In San Diego, an average of 15.3% of the population over the age of 12 has used illegal drugs in the last year.
Among adults over the age of 18, almost 5% experienced a major depressive disorder, and 50% of those with major depressive disorders develop addiction over time.
Thankfully, there is help. Acknowledging the problem and searching for help is a huge step forward, and you are well on your way to living a life of happiness with healthy relationships and healthy choices.
Take the next step with Destiny Recovery Center. Start your alcohol rehab in San Diego County.

Our Services
Care at Destiny Recovery Center
Our Southern California treatment center is secluded in the sun-kissed sanctuary of Redlands, where our clients are close to nature and can experience the transformative benefits of community. Our licensed clinicians, mentors, and support staff work with clients at both the individual level and in group sessions.
Get Help for Addiction Right Now
What to Expect From Our Rehab Center Near San Diego County
If you are ready for help, not knowing what to expect can be frightening. But no matter your issue or your struggle, you can expect a supportive environment at our rehab center.
Therapy and Treatments
Rehabs in San Diego county give you access to a variety of therapies and treatments to help you tackle all aspects of your addiction. Addiction is a disorder, and your recovery bears that in mind.
Therapy helps you identify triggers and things that lead you down harmful paths of thinking or result in using drugs or drinking. Therapy gives you room to explore negative thinking or patterns that spiral into bad decisions.
All of this is designed to help you integrate new coping mechanisms and learn how to change your thought patterns and behaviors for good. The right therapy and treatment help you prevent relapses.
These might include:
- Cognitive behavioral therapy
- Individual psychotherapy
- Family therapy
- Behavioral therapy
- Forgiveness therapy
In addition, in your rehab San Diego county treatments, you can consider holistic treatments used to maintain lifelong sobriety. Classes like yoga, meditation, and mindfulness can help reduce your stress levels, teach you to cope with temporary discomfort (like cravings), and create positive habits that boost the success of your therapy lessons.
Contact Destiny Recovery Center to get started at rehab centers in San Diego County today.

Why Choose A Drug Rehab Near San Diego County
You’ve probably heard the phrase “location, location, location” usually apply to real estate. But it also applies to picking the right rehab centers in San Diego County. A good location can make all the difference when it comes to your long-term success.
Our rehab in San Diego county leaves you just minutes away from a beautiful natural environment full of beaches, mountains, and nearby deserts. It is the perfect place for you to shake away the stress of your daily environment and start to focus on yourself and the things that matter most.
When you start rehab in San Diego county, you need accountability.
That means a community of socially supportive people who will make sure you go to therapy sessions, help you when you are feeling down, and provide you with hope instead of judgment.
With people who hold you accountable through daily checkups, you are less likely to relapse, especially when things are a struggle.
With San Diego county-based rehab, you know that there are people who want you to succeed and will lend a hand or a listening ear when it feels like you can’t. Whether you start drug or alcohol rehab in San Diego county, the right facility keeps you accountable.
Social Support
Social support may not seem important, but it is a vital part of your rehabilitation. Social support plays an important role and helps you recognize that you have people on whom you can lean for support when things get difficult.
Genuine relationships might seem difficult to come by, but in rehab, you can find fellow recovering addicts, counselors, and other staff members who really identify with your struggle and can share stories that might give you insight into how to handle difficult situations better.
Structured Schedule
Having a structured schedule is vital to your recovery. People who struggle with addiction also struggle with self-destructive habits. The only way to overcome those habits is to break them and replace them with something healthier. A strong routine can give you a simple daily schedule that helps you focus on building those new habits and maintaining your sobriety.
Doing all this in a rehab center means a place where you get to be held accountable for maintaining that schedule and get social support as you go through your more productive activities and attend therapy and treatment.
Among the many benefits of residential care is access to ongoing aftercare. At facilities like Destiny Recovery Center, you can build a foundation of support around you from the people who are struggling just like you are. Not all rehabs in San Diego county extend this part of their program, but we do.
Other patients can share their stories and work with you when you all graduate from rehab to engage in sober activities to find hobbies that don’t revolve around the temptation to use drugs or drink.
Aftercare extends beyond just social activities and incorporates weekly meetings. Group sessions and complimentary programs like yoga or meditation don’t have to end when you leave a rehab facility. You can continue with classes offered in your local community. Finding people who are certified instructors can be easily done by working with your team at Destiny Recovery Center as you prepare to leave.
Insurance Can Pay for Rehab
We take most PPO insurances including Triwest and TriCare
Our Compassionate Drug Rehab Near San Diego
Many individuals who struggle with addiction struggle with deep-seated feelings of failure and guilt. This is even worse because people often pick the wrong treatment.
The wrong treatment can mean many things:
- It can mean picking a rehab program that doesn’t involve mental health treatment when there is an existing mental health concern;
- It can mean picking a faster, cheaper outpatient program when 24-hour supervision and a structured Southern California inpatient or residential program would have been better;
- It can mean working with a specific type of therapy that failed to address things like trauma or just wasn’t a good fit.
But in reality, the wrong treatment can mean a relapse no matter what form it takes. A relapse can bring with it the same feelings of failure or guilt, but even more severe.
At our Southern California rehab facility, we believe this type of failure or incorrect treatment is an opportunity to learn what doesn’t work for you. Our clinically based treatment center focuses on individualized treatment for you, picking things that work based on your mental health conditions, your physical health, the addictions with which you struggle, and even the things that have failed in the past.
With our compassionate rehab centers in San Diego County, you can find the right program, fit, and people to guide you on your journey to recovery.
Contact Destiny Recovery Center to learn more about our inpatient rehab and detox services in Southern California.

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