Meditation for Beginners
Meditation has many potential advantages for those in recovery from substance use disorder (SUD). It can be difficult to begin your journey of meditation if you are unsure how to start. Utilizing these techniques, you can find the benefits of meditation for beginners through your journey at Destiny Recovery Center. Benefits of Meditation for Beginners […]
What Are Recovery Retreats?
People attend retreats for various reasons, most often to recharge or get reenergized about something. Members of the recovery community attend recovery retreats to center back in their recovery program. Those in long-term sobriety may attend to meet with those they have come to connect with over the years or to share their experience, strength, […]
The Role of Meditation in Relapse Prevention
Meditation is not a new trend or “fly-by” strategy that is now being practiced. It has been around and used for a variety of reasons by people from all over the world. What is more recent, however, is the use of meditation in relapse prevention. Recognizing the benefits on one’s physical and mental health, those […]
Mindful Meditation as a Tool in Recovery
During recovery, mindful meditation is a beneficial tool to use to help anchor yourself in the present. Sitting with your own thoughts and feelings can first appear scary, which is why it is essential to ease into the practice and find moments throughout your day to implement breathwork and awareness. The more you engage with […]