Frequently mental health issues are a contributing factor in substance use disorders (SUDs). Attempting to cope with traumatic events, anxiety, or a sense of hopelessness caused by a life change leads to many symptoms for those struggling. This can lead to the overuse of a substance when trying to numb the emotion.
It is impossible to treat addiction without treating the trauma or other mental health symptoms a person is experiencing. For example, if a veteran who has completed deployments has difficulty sleeping due to nightmares, they could begin to use alcohol to assist in falling asleep. A victim of sexual trauma struggling with anxiety may be likely to turn to a substance to attempt to self-medicate.
In situations such as these, an event will have a negative feeling associated with a traumatic event or mental health symptom. These are significant contributors to substance addiction. Hypnotherapy can be an incredible tool to assist in treatment.
Benefits of Hypnotherapy
The National Center of Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH) explores a few of the researched-based practices for hypnotherapy. Hypnotherapy is found to treat anxiety, gastrointestinal issues, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The evidence supporting the use of hypnotherapy for treating multiple diagnoses is continuing to increase.
According to some studies, participants report an increase in their quality of life after using hypnotherapy. Those who reported a positive experience and outcome from hypnotherapy have stated they have a better state of mind. Less intrusive thoughts, lower anxiety, and an overall better state of wellness have been described.
Pain management has also been a highly reported result of hypnotherapy. This can be attributed to a “blocking” of a traumatic event or habit of the mind through hypnosis. It has also been described as a reprogramming of the mind to react differently or lessen the reaction to triggers.
How Hypnotherapy Can Treat Addiction
Hypnotherapy has proven successful in treating various mental health disorders by changing the pattern of thoughts and sometimes eliminating the emotional trauma linked to certain experiences. Due to this, it has been introduced to the realm of addiction treatment.
The mental and physical reactions to triggers can be debilitating for someone with SUD. As a result of these reactions, they may be tempted to return to using drugs or alcohol. However, by reducing triggers and reactions to triggers, success for someone in recovery becomes greater.
For example, someone may be triggered by a particular alcoholic beverage. Seeing this drink in a store, on a commercial, in a restaurant, or someone in a movie consuming this drink brings on a strong reaction. This person now has an intense craving for their drink of choice and becomes ultra-focused on fighting this urge.
For this person, eliminating this trigger – the memory of this drink – would significantly improve their chances of conquering their battle with addiction. They could find freedom from their obsession.
Individualized Treatment at Destiny Recovery Center
Treatment centers across the United States offer various treatment options. However, they most often use one primary form of treatment for all of their clients. All participants in the program complete the same courses, tasks, exercises, and treatment plan to accomplish the same general treatment goals.
However, Destiny Recovery Center is different from all other treatment centers. We offer complete, individualized treatment programs based on the needs and interests of every client. Our program wants our clients to have long-term success in recovery. Due to this, we work to provide the necessary tools needed to find healing.
This involves thinking outside the box and using strategies that may be different from what “works” for most people. Destiny Recovery Center does a service to those in our care by creating a unique plan that is custom to each individual client.
Hypnotherapy as Part of a Treatment Plan
Offering a multitude of treatment and therapy options, Destiny Recovery Center provides access to a trusted hypnotherapist. We assist clients who are struggling with severe PTSD or trauma. Clients who are veterans, first responders, or clients dealing with another form of trauma may find a part of their solution in hypnotherapy.
However, we also offer hypnotherapy as an option for addressing the obsession people struggling with SUD often feel. Many people with long-term sobriety have a collection of “tools” or strategies to maintain their success. Developing a selection of ready strategies known to work for that person helps them stay prepared and strong in relapse prevention. Adding hypnotherapy as a strategy only greatens the tools available to someone.
Destiny Recovery Center wants to ensure our clients are prepared as possible for the real-life situations that will arise outside of treatment. Offering access to hypnosis is a great way clients can add to the variety of tools someone in recovery has in their reach.
Substance use disorder (SUD) is often found in those struggling with co-occurring conditions such as a history of trauma, sleep issues, depression, or another medical diagnosis. Hypnotherapy can provide many benefits for physical and mental health and could be a positive tool used in treating those struggling with multiple mental health concerns. Hypnotherapy can assist in treating chronic pain and symptoms of anxiety, which promotes an overall sense of well-being, allowing for the treatment of substance abuse to be focussed on more directly. It can also be used in the treatment of addiction itself. To see if hypnotherapy might be a fitting addition to your treatment plan, call Destiny Recovery Center today at (909) 413-4304.