Destiny Recovery Centers

What to Do if a Family Member is Using Drugs

What to Do if a Family Member is Using Drugs

What to Do if a Family Member is Using Drugs

Suspecting drug abuse can be devastating for loved ones. It breeds resentment, fear, and mistrust. This fear can hold loved ones back from identifying a problem through willful negligence instead of helpful support. Knowing the signs, how to offer support, and where to get it are the first steps.

If you are concerned about a family member’s drug abuse, it is crucial to know the signs. At Destiny Recovery, we help our clients to reflect on their problematic behaviors and build new strategic positive interactions to create a safe and sober method for managing difficult situations.

Contact Destiny Recovery today to learn more about our Southern California addiction treatment for a family member’s drug abuse problem.


What Are the Signs a Loved One is on Drugs?

Trust your gut. If you are concerned that your loved ones may be using illegal substances, talk to them about getting help and offer your support. If this is something you don’t think you can do, know the signs of addiction and speak to a professional interventionist or medical professional. 

If you feel uneasy or have noticed changes, it can be essential to monitor them individually so they can be addressed in counseling or intervention. You may see physical or psychological changes. The toll that substances have on the body is all individual; however, they often have similar side effects and can be more easily identified if you know what to look for.

Many physical changes can occur when individuals stop abusing drugs. For example, you may notice skin, teeth, nails, and weight changes. These changes occur because of how the drug is processed within the body. Individuals using opioids like heroin or prescription painkillers often experience weight gain due to the depressive nature of opioids. On the other end of the spectrum, individuals who use stimulants like methamphetamines or cocaine often experience weight loss because the drug speeds up the metabolism and system. You might also notice significant psychological changes.

The most common side effects of drug use are physical and psychological changes. This includes changes in personality, mood fluctuations, and changes in self-care. When an individual uses drugs to self-medicate, they may feel like they are dealing with the problem; however, this can cause more harm. You might specifically notice changes in hygiene, significant changes in close relationships, and avoidance of loved activities. These factors are common and can signify severe addiction. 

While these changes can be attributed to other issues, they often coincide with substance addiction. If you are concerned about your loved one, take note of the symptoms and any changes to help your loved one identify how their behavior may be problematic.


What to Do if a Family Member is Using Drugs?

If you are concerned the family member is using drugs, it is critical to direct them towards treatment by expressing your feelings independently or through intervention with a medical professional. Frequently, individuals who abuse substances are not aware of the problems that they may be causing outside of their own experiences. Interventions are the most common type of help for family members and their loved ones. However, they are not always like they are all demonstrated on TV.

Intervention typically occurs with a medical professional and a small group of loved ones willing and ready to support their family member through detoxification and a strict addiction treatment program to help alter their problematic behaviors.

If you are thinking about speaking to your loved one about substance use, it is important to remember several Key factors to support the intervention to be more successful. Firstly it is critical to use ice statements showing it to mention. Explaining how their behavior has impacted the queue presents the information in a non-accusatory manner and helps the individual view the issues from a new perspective. Second, it is crucial that the individual not feel attacked or unbalanced during this time. While an individual may be surprised Latin intervention is occurring, they should not feel unsafe or attacked in your speech or actions. 

Lastly, when planning an intervention, it is essential to have treatment information readily available for your loved one. Having this information ready and public shows that you are motivated to support them and provide information to get help immediately.


How to Find Addiction Treatment For a Loved One

When searching for addiction treatment for a loved one, it is vital to offer support at their level of need. You can provide your loved ones with immediate backing and structured care by searching for treatment facilities that help with interventions and offer detox programs.

At Destiny Recovery Center, we believe in the power of rediscovering your destiny. Our boutique setting can offer private personalized treatment mapping that identifies individual needs and works towards an overarching goal of sobriety.

Destiny Recovery Center is an inpatient rehab in San Bernardino County. Contact us today to learn more about what to do if your family member uses drugs.